Imagine a hot, hot, hot Los Angeles summer. Imagine a 2400 mile round trip drive to Ft. Worth with two young kids and a crazy out-of-work machinist. Imagine a small El Segundo motel room where South LA explodes over and over and over on the small black & white TV set.
Imagine going two weeks later for an interview at 59th and Avalon, in the heart of a burned-out neighborhood. Imagine getting the job: Cardex Clerk, $1.25 an hour, and all the coffee you can drink.
Incredible scene you've written. I was in LA then. Working some ridiculous job, drinking black coffee til my hands shook then switching to bergandy wine from Thrifty Drugs, a dollar something a gallon.
Too bad we didn't know each other then. Maybe we could have shared ideas for a less crazy life. Or one that was more fun : )
More fun, less crazy? You and I probably would have gotten in a whole lot of trouble!
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