Friday, November 6, 2009

Wanda Part 7

“So, how far along are you?”

Wanda is caught off guard. She tries to avoid looking directly at Marlene but knows that won’t work for long. She might as well get it over with. “About two months, I guess. I never was that regular so I’m not for sure.”

Marlene balances the plates of pancakes and eggs on her arm and backs through the swinging door. “Looks more like three to me.”

Wanda hopes Marlene is wrong. She also hopes she won’t say anything to anyone else, especially the manager. She needs to work as long as she can and she hasn’t told Jake yet. It could get ugly if he heard from someone else that she was pregnant.

Marlene swings back into to the kitchen. “You seen a doctor yet?”

“I don’t even know one. I’ve never been to the doctor since I left…” she started to say “home” but knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. “Since I left school. Do you know anybody?”

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