Thursday, November 5, 2009


parapraxis: n. a memory loss; a slip of the tongue; general clumsiness

Like many of my peers, I find myself searching my brain for an elusive word, a phrase waiting right there on the tip of the tongue.
I prefer to see this as the result of having consumed so much information over the years, that some of it just naturally sinks to the bottom of consciousness, waiting until it's really needed.


Captain Crab said...

Is it grandiloquent?

smartz said...

It's absolutely grand when I'm still able to sleep, knowing that I may never remember... Grandiloquent...hmmmm not so much :)

CJGallegos said...

I just love the naming of things. This little word has given me a sense of place. (I know, that's strange.)

smartz said...

Now if I just remember my new word!