Saturday, March 14, 2009

Facing Fears

I've had a life-long fear of snakes. When an artist friend, Cruz Zamarron, created this corn god mask, it seemed like an ideal opportunity to face those fears. It hangs over my bed and eats my bad dreams so I can't remember them when I wake up.


CJGallegos said...

Wow! What a beautiful mask1 Is it new? I wonder how it's made. I guess all that is irrelevant since it does what it's supposed to do...(I never ever got used to snakes in 10 years in the Mojave Desert either!)

smartz said...

It was made by a close friend of Chris Ballin. He's a brilliant artist who is also severely disabled. He lives in King's Beach (Lake Tahoe). It's the only snake I have ever been comfortable with.

smartz said...

I forgot to mention, it's papier-mache, and decorated with corn kernels and corn stalk leaves.