Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where the Money Goes

Her arthritic fingers 
smooth the embroidered linens
arrange the ribbons by color, by width
The turistas are slow to come this year
they bargain, as always,
but without spirit

The Mercado will close soon
and Lupita will take her business 
to the street corner
The man who owns the land
is impatient to find better tenants
ones with bigger ideas and
more money to make them real

Her daughter already works
at the maquilladora,
twelve, sometimes fourteen hours a day
plus long, dangerous bus rides
to and from the grey building
that looks north across the river
past the smoke and noise
to the place where the money goes

Some 200 women workers have been murdered near Ciudad Juarez since 1994. See the 2003 documentary, Senorita Extraviada, or the fictionalized version of the story, Bordertown, starring Jennifer Lopez. 

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