Monday, May 11, 2009

It's a Mystery

I bought this undated, untitled, unsigned collage from an LA street artist back in the 70's. It's done on masonry board and there's an author bio for Ozz Franca glued to the back with a studio address. Franca, a Brazilian artist who died in 1991, is best known for his Native American paintings which currently sell for $4000 and up.

I've always loved this piece, though you couldn't tell from looking at it. It's beat up around the edges and has a big dent in it (they just don't make masonry board the way they used too :) Does make me curious...

1 comment:

CJGallegos said...

I love stuff like this too. I found a huge sepia tone photo of a Mexican street scene taken in the 30s. There was a penciled name and date on the back and at one point I tried researching it. I've since lost the photo. I'm too sad.