Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cindy & Sandy's Awesome Adventure: Day 3

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to go to the laundromat on our way out.

I'm sparing everyone the photos of the 122 car freight train, our breakfast break at Coco's, the cheap gas place where we were a hair's breadth away from a fist fight. I'm not even including our dinner stop at Cholame (famous for being near where James Dean met his end).

But I had to share at least one shot from a beautiful cutoff (Hwy 223) we took to prolong our trip. And, last and least, my photography innovation: amazing photos through the windshield. Take a road trip. It's good for what ails you. Thanks for watching.


CJGallegos said...

We were on 46 yesterday morning and I took the exact same picture you did, the undulating brown hills broken by a jag of turquoise.Beautiful!

smartz said...

Soooo glad to have you back. Looking forward to our first workshop of the year on Jan 17. Hope that works for you.

Anonymous said...

I can see it now and I'm going to be the first to buy a ticket for the Sandra Martz Windshield Photo Exhibit at the De Young Museum of Art!! Keep up the great work.