Tuesday 9/11
Dear Friends:
Chris was scheduled to return from Durban today. I do not have her itinerary but was told that she was traveling on Delta Airlines with Marlene. Their flight from Johannesburg was scheduled to arrive in Atlanta at 8:10 am this morning. I am frantic with worry.
Wednesday 9/12
Dear David,
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you in this terrible time. I hope both you and your partner are ok. I know your offices are near the WTC. As is everyone everywhere, I am stunned by the events of the last 24 hours. Do take care of yourself.
Dear WILPF Friends,
I spoke with Chris on the phone this morning. She is stranded in Atlanta but hopes to get on a flight in the next day or so. She is traumatized, but calm.
Dear Doris,
I spent most of yesterday morning in tears then received a call to teach in the afternoon. A room full of zestful 5th graders completely captured my attention and for four hours I thought only of how to inspire them to love language and numbers.
Thursday 9/13Dear Berta,
Unable to pray as I have no god, I found comfort on my knees this morning, scrubbing the kitchen floor by hand, scraping away old paint, dirt, anything that got in the way. I'm meeting on Friday evening with a small group of co-counselors, to do what we can together to clear away the fear, restore our ability to think about these events and to talk about what we can do next. I can only agree with your assessment of our role in creating this situation. I find myself afraid of the consequences of speaking out. It seems so easy for us (the US) to assume the role of avenging angels. What will become of us?
Friday 9/14
Dear President Bush,
We are deeply saddened by the events of September 11. A grievous atrocity has been committed against the people of the United States. We keenly feel the nation's loss, and desire that justice be done. However, we are concerned that hasty assignment of responsibility could lead to actions that might undermine the United States' pursuit of justice and heighten the anti-American sentiment that led to this tragedy. We trust that thorough investigation of these events and cooperation with the international community will lead to lasting, peaceful justice.
Saturday 9/15Dear Friends,
In this time of sorrow, it is important to make sure your voice is heard. There are a number of websites that attempt to do so. If you have not already done so, please consider giving your response.
Sunday 9/16Dear Ric and Billie,
This has been a hard week. I have struggled to get my thoughts straight, figure out what makes sense to me, and what am I willing and able to do. I'm irrationally fearful to speak out, feeling very isolated here in a new community that I love but do not really know. Pickups with American flags tied in the back careen around town. I worry for the safety of the young Muslim poet that reads at the Faultline on Tuesdays. I can only tear myself away from the TV if I’m able to reattach myself to the radio.